Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sneak Peek Of The Great Sandwich Detective Issue #2

Issue #2 comes out June 30th, so I figured I would share a couple pages with you. If you haven't read Issue #1, a couple of the jokes kinda spoil the end of Issue #1, so beware.

Fun! So yes, the conclusion of the epic two-parter "No Crying Over Spilled Milk" goes down in Issue #2 out June 30th. The issue will also feature a special backup story by first grader Diego Abundis and a pinup by my good friend Aaron Pittman.

As for Issue #1, it is in stock at Brainstorm Comics, Chicago Comics and The Comic Vault in Chicago, IL and Get Your Game On in Ann Arbor, MI. I have ordered more copies to take with me to Cherry Capital Con in Traverse City, MI next weekend and whatever I have left paired with a second order I'll be putting through next Friday will go to the remaining stores waiting for copies. By June 30th, all stores carrying the GSD will have copies of both Issues #1 & #2.

For those planning on attending Cherry Capital Con next weekend, I will be in the Artists Alley at Booth #E10. I will have copies of The Great Sandwich Detective #1, old prints and How Stuff Happens #1. I will also have the brand new How Stuff Happens #2 (out in Chicago stores on June 9th) for sale as well as a Cherry Capital Con exclusive watercolor print. I'll also being doing sketches and commissions all weekend and will again have free mustache stickers for you to wear and be awesome.

Yeah buddy!
