Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rockin' Out From The Archives

I thought I'd dust off some old work from the archives after going through my old band's Photobucket. I did almost all of our fliers by hand because I hated the trend of taking a photo off Google and then typing haphazardly over it. So I pulled a few choice examples of the hand-made work. Check it out!

I think this show ended up being cancelled.

This was originally a screenprint I did in college and then I added the text to it in Photoshop. I loved seeing these hanging in windows of places. This was an awesome show too!

I remember being really mad because my friend made me 500 really nice copies of this flier to promote the show and it ended up getting cancelled.

I hope you enjoyed those. I miss making show fliers. Oh well. Should have some original artwork up soon. Getting GSD #0 reprinted next week!


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