Happy National Sandwich Day! I hope you're having a good one. To celebrate the holiday, I did a special release of some limited edition sandwich prints. I did four different paintings and made prints of each and scattered them at four different locations in the city. If you haven't gotten one already, you should head over to the following locations. They are totally free and extremely limited!
"The Classic"
Available at The Comic Vault
Olive green ink on light green watercolor
Printed on Bristol, approx. 7.5 x 10
"Corned Beef On Rye"
Available at Brainstorm Comics
Dark purple ink on light purple watercolor
Printed on Bristol, approx. 7.5 x 10
"The Hoagie"
Available at G-Mart Comics
Sky blue ink on light blue watercolor
Printed on Bristol, approx. 7.5 x 10
"Grilled Cheese"
Available at Challengers Comics & Conversation
Red ink on red-orange watercolor
Printed on Bristol, approx. 7.5 x 10All prints are signed and numbered. Some stores are giving them out randomly and some if you buy a Great Sandwich Detective issue. If you're one of the lucky few, high five!
I unfortunately have to move back the re-release of Issue #0 again. I'm currently tied up with working on the Christmas issue of GSD as well as preparing some other pitch properties. I will be releasing it in January as a sort of annual. This also gives me some more time to get some more awesome pinups and prepare some more awesome stuff for it. Again, sorry for the delay but I want to make sure I have time to do the best work possible on the Great Sandwich Detective #5 Christmas Special.
And for anyone who has gone out and picked up a copy of The Halloween Issue, thank you. You're awesome and I hope you had an awesome Halloween.
Keep checking back for more goodness. I'm gonna try to get back on track with posting up sketches and whatnot. Yeah buddy!